Death Grips to Soundtrack Feature Film Directed and Written by Zach Hill, Working on New Album

Hill sitting out current Death Grips tour
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Tom Spray

Photo by Tom Spray

Just over a year ago this week, Death Grips pulled the plug on their summer tour to record their album NO LOVE DEEP WEB. The group's drummer, Zach Hill, is doing something similar this year. As reports have suggested, he isn't participating in the current Death Grips tour of Europe, and is instead at work on writing, directing, and soundtracking a feature film.

The band offered the following statement, also confirming that original member/producer Andy "Flatlander" Morin is indeed still working with the group.

Zach is currently writing, directing and soundtracking an original feature film. The movie is of his own creation, fictionally based and not related to the group. The film will be soundtracked with all new Death Grips music. He is also working on and recording the new Death Grips album at the moment. Death Grips is Stefan. Zach. Andy. Zach is very much still in Death Grips.

-Death Grips

Watch's interview with Death Grips from November: